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- Research Study Requirements
Research Study Requirements
This site supports researchers in understanding and navigating the IRB research process when conducting studies in the Forsyth County School District.
Here, you will find detailed information regarding the requirements for conducting research in the Forsyth County School District, including the necessary forms and documentation to obtain approval. Whether you are a student, faculty member, or independent researcher, our goal is to make the research process as seamless as possible while maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct.
Required Documentation
All those requesting to conduct research in Forsyth County Schools must complete a proposal using our online form. As part of this submission, the following information is required for approval:
Contact Information
A detailed explanation of the major features of the study
A copy of all Informed Consent Letters (Parents, Teachers, Students)
Informed consent should not be written on Forsyth County School letterhead and should include the following:
The purpose of the project
How the participants are selected
The data requested from participants
Anticipated benefits to the participants and the school district
Possible risks: physical, legal, psychological, or other
With whom the results will be shared
Participants’ or guardians’ right to inspect materials before consenting, and their right to withdraw consent at any time
The person to whom inquiries should be addressed before, during, and after the project
A statement that neither the school district nor the school is conducting the research or sponsoring the project
A statement that explains how staff will not suffer adverse consequences from the school, the district, or the organization (such as the college) if they do not wish to participate
A copy of any surveys, observation instruments, questionnaires, and interview protocols to be used in the research
A signed letter stating you understand our students, staff members, schools, and district will not be identified in any draft or final report of your study
A completed FCS Memorandum of Understanding that outlines the purpose of the project and how it benefits FCS, any student information collected, along with contact information and Client signatures. (The MOU is only required for research studies collecting student information.)
Proposal Form
All those requesting to conduct research in Forsyth County Schools must complete the online form. A printable PDF is also available here for your review if you want to see the required documentation before submission. Please note that an electronic submission via our online form is required for review.
Forsyth County Schools - IRB Research Request Form
Deadlines for Submission
Forsyth County Schools Employees:
- Proposals are reviewed throughout the year
Requests from outside of Forsyth County:
- Fall Proposal Submissions: August 1 - October 1
- Spring Proposal Submissions: January 1 - March 1
If you have questions regarding the review process, please contact Christine Snead.