Key Terms for MTSS
Framework – intended plan or model for articulating teaching/learning activities, assessment/tests, processes, and desired results that can maximize student achievement.
- Multi-Tiered Prevention System – a schoolwide framework with systems and resources designed to provide support matched to student need to maximize student achievement and reduce poor behavioral outcomes.
- Data-Based Decision Making – a process for setting/evaluating goals; the ongoing process of analyzing and evaluating student data to inform educational decisions.
- At Risk- students who have poor learning and/or behavioral outcomes. Also, students who are in jeopardy of being retained or students who may not be on track to graduate.
- Acceleration – interventions that are implemented to increase the speed at which students acquire skills.
Assessment – the collection of information about student performance in a specific area.
- Benchmark – measures that are used to determine student progress and to guide instruction. For example, measures may assess a specific skill such as number of correct words read per minute (reading fluency).
- Screening – conducted to identify students who may need additional instruction or help so that early intervention can occur. These are typically brief and usually administered with all students at a grade level (Universal Screening).
- Progress Monitoring – scientifically based practice that is used to assess students’ academic and behavioral performance and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction.
Best Practices – evidence-based teaching strategies that generate positive student response.
- Evidence-Based Practices – an educational practice or strategy that has factual evidence for results.
- Differentiated Instruction – recognizing and responding to students’ varying interests, readiness levels, and learning needs.
- Interventions –instruction, supplemental to the general education curriculum, that is based on student need; and is made of evidence-based instructional strategies and techniques.
- Evidence-Based Intervention – an intervention for which data from scientific, rigorous research studies have demonstrated or validated the results.
- Fidelity of Implementation – the accurate and consistent delivery of instruction or assessment in the way it was designed or prescribed according to research findings and/or developers’ specifications.