• USNA All Marine Corps JROTC units are eligible to nominate three candidates each year.  All Navy and Marine Corps JROTC units designated as Honor Units are eligible to nominate an additional three candidates each. All Army and Air Force JROTC units designated as Honor Units are eligible to nominate three candidates.  Army and Air Force units must submit a copy of their order along with the nominated candidate. Student must currently be in the JROTC; past participation does not qualify.

    ROTC Nomination Form

    Application Dates:  Between September 1 of the year preceding entry into the Naval Academy and before January 31 of the year entering the Naval Academy.

  • West PointHonor JROTC Units of Other Services

  • USCGAThe United States Coast Guard Academy prepares future leaders of the Coast Guard and our nation. We seek students of high moral character who bring an established academic, athletic and leadership track record. Prospective applicants can apply online here.

  • USAFACadets at the United States Air Force Academy receive a world-class education that prepares them for careers as leaders working for the most advanced air and space forces in the world. Whether it is as pilots, engineers, cyber specialists, space operations officers or otherwise, they’re able to make an immediate impact and shape the future of this country. You can apply here.

Last Modified on October 30, 2024