• Medallions

    **Medallion Forms are due

    NO LATER THAN MARCH 20, 2024**

    Senior students are eligible to earn a medallion at graduation in the following areas: advanced academic, fine arts, foreign language, and/or career tech. To earn a medallion, students must be a member of an honor society and have completed at least 3 courses within their area of completion, as well as additional requirements (requirements are listed on each Pathway Verification Form). If a student qualifies for a medallion in multiple areas, they will receive a “pin” for each additional pathway. Students will only receive 1 medallion. 

    If you plan to apply for a Pathway Medallion in Spring, please note that the Community Service project is required this year.  You can use project/volunteer hours that have been completed for other service areas.  You will be required to document the work and hours completed and have the service hours signed off by the supervising adult (coordinator). 

    Please note the minimum number of community service hours required per pathway medallion:

    Advanced Academic – 10 hours

    World Language- 10 hours

    Fine Arts – 20 hours

    Career Tech – 40 hours


    FCS Pathway Guidelines


    Fine Arts Pathway Verification Form

    Community Service Requirements


    World Language Pathway Verification Form

    Community Service Requirements