• 2024-2025 Additional Course Change Requests

    March 1, 2024 - April 26, 2024

    The 24-25 Course Requests Viewing Window is open and will remain open through Wednesday, March 6. During this time, students and parents are encouraged to log into Parent Portal to view their updated list of course requests for next school year. As a reminder, the courses you see listed are NOT your student’s schedule, but just their requests. Schedules are built over the summer and will be released towards the end of July. A few items to note:

    Application-Based Courses

    Application-based courses (office aid, peer facilitation, yearbook, etc.) have not fully been added to course requests yet as they are still being reviewed. If you have questions about a course you applied for, please contact that teacher.


    If you are a senior student and have requested a shortened day with IE2, make sure the correct period is listed based on whether you requested it to be at the beginning or end of your school day. As a reminder, students cannot be on campus at SFHS during their IE2 period. For example:

    • IE21y = 1st period
    • IE27y = 7th period

    Virtual Courses (in-schedule)

    Not all virtual course requests have been processed, but so long as you have followed the steps listed on our 2024-2025 Virtual Course RegistrationLinks to an external site.page, you are good to go. A school counselor will reach out to you if there are any issues.

    If you requested to take a virtual course in-your-schedule through either Forsyth Virtual (FVA) or Georgia Virtual (GAVS), make sure the correct period is listed based on whether you requested it to be at the beginning or end of your school day. As a reminder, virtual courses cannot be taken on campus at SFHS. You are agreeing to take the virtual course from home during that period. For example:

    • FVA 101 = Forsyth Virtual 1st period
    • GAVS 701 = Georgia Virtual 7th period


    MOST IMPORTANTLY, ensure your requests will allow you to maintain a healthy balance of pushing for academic rigor at the same time as allowing yourself time for extracurriculars, family, friends, and sleep!

    Additional Course Change Requests

    Following your viewing of the student’s registration requests, if you would like to submit a request for a class change please fill out this linked form.  A few things to note:

    • No schedule change requests will be processed during the viewing window.  Following the close of the viewing window, a counselor will contact you when they review your request and let you know if it was approved or denied.
    • Priority approval is given to change requests within the same department (within science, within social studies, etc.) or for change in level (AP class to on-level class, for example).  Other requests will be considered according to many factors including availability.
    • This form is NOT for virtual requests or dual enrollment requests.  For virtual requests visit the 2024-2025 Virtual Course Registration, and for dual enrollment requests visit our Dual Enrollment PageLinks to an external site...