• This page shows information about SFHS Technology and Robotics clubs.  We are updating meeting information for the first few weeks of school.

    Club Name




    Sponsor email

    Cyberpatriot Competition Teams

    Lidan Zhou

    Compete for Cyberpatriot competitions




    FIRST Robotics Competition

    Laura Bender

    Under strict rules, limited time and resources, teams of students are challenged to raise funds, design a team "brand," hone teamwork skills, and build and program industrial-size robots to play a difficult field game against like-minded competitors. It’s as close to real-world engineering as a student can get.

    Mondays & Thursdays after school



    Girls Who Code

    Stacey Moultrie

    GWC Clubs serve as a place for students to spend time together while learning about computer science and building their confidence. Clubs provide participants with a sisterhood of supportive peers and role models, and an opportunity to use their skills to positively impact their community.

    IF or before school once a month



    SFH AI Club

    Lidan Zhou

    Research and study Artificial Intelligence




    SFH American Computer Science League (ACSL)

    Lidan Zhou

    Compete for ACSL competitions




    SFH Coding Club

    Lidan Zhou

    Teach students to code by student officers without competition




    SFH Hack Club

    Lidan Zhou

    Teach students computer science hardware and software knowledge. Attend Hackathon




    SoFo Drones

    Laura Bender

    SoFo Drone Club teaches students to design, prototype, build, program, and fly fully custom drones. Students use open-sourced drone designs to learn engineering principles and gain hands-on experience. SoFo Drone Club is intended to allow students to learn about and explore drone technology.




    Technology Student Association - TSA

    Travis Hodges

    The SFHS Technology Student Association is a charter affiliate of National TSA and dedicated to middle and high school students enrolled or previously enrolled or that have an interest in engineering & technology education pathway and STEM Education programs. Georgia Technology Student Association (TSA) chapters prepare students to be successful inventors, designers, creative problem solvers, responsible citizens and leaders who will influence and build the future.

    Tuesdays and Thursdays



    VEX Robotics

    Travis Hodges

    All students are natural scientists and engineers. They love to question, tinker, experiment and play. VEX competitions foster these skills and capitalize on the motivational effects of competitions and robotics to help all students create an identity as a STEM learner. VEX competitions are also a great way to expose students to valuable soft skills like communication, collaboration and time-management in a fun and authentic way. The VEX Robotics competition prepares students to become future innovators with 95% of participants reporting an increased interest in STEM subject areas and pursuing STEM-related careers. Tournaments are held year-round at the regional, state, and national levels and culminate at the VEX Robotics World Championship each April!

    Tuesdays and Thursdays
