
    Do you have specific questions, concerns, or suggestions for Chestatee ES Title I?

    Click the link below to access our complaint policy. 

    Chestatee Complaint Procedure

    (Hard copies of the documents are available in the front lobby)


    Forsyth County Schools District Title I Complaint Procedures:

    The Forsyth County Board of Education Policy for Complaints and Procedures is GAE.  The Board of Education encourages all employees to resolve complaints informally in a spirit of collegiality.  The policy provides for a hearing, representation, a time schedule, automatic referral to the next level, and record-keeping.  This procedure does not apply to personnel evaluations, job performance, termination or non-renewal, or revocation of or suspension of an employee’s certificate.

    If parents, students, staff, private schools, or the general public express concerns or complaints at the school level, each Title I school has a published procedure for addressing these concerns or complaints.  This is updated annually.

    ESEA Complaint Procedures for parents, students, staff, private schools, and the general public.  Click here.


    For additional information on Forsyth County Schools' Federal Program Services contact:
    Amy Chang, Director of Federal Programs, 770-887-2461 ext. 202246 
    Amy Gravitt, District Family Engagement Coordinator, 770-887-2461 ext. 202243
    Kim Pluhar, Homeless Education Liaison, 678-947-0274 ext 312716
    Eron Cooper, Foster Care Point of Contact, 770-887-8151 ext 111134