• Registering for an Exam for Online Students

    Registration Deadline October 22, 2024

    AP Exam Registration:  GAVS or FVA, INDEPENDENT STUDY (Denmark Students ONLY)


    STEP 1. Use Online Instructor Provided Join Code:

    • Online instructors will provide students with a join code for access to AP course resources in the My AP Platform.

    • Students should use this first join code to join their online class in My AP.

    • Once enrolled in the class section, the student should select “No” under the “Order Exam?” if this is an option. In most cases, this has already been selected for you.

    o This allows students to use assigned resources and review material for exam preparation

    o If left at the default “undecided,” students will be unable to register for the exam with their base school.


    Go to STEP 2

    STEP 2. Denmark Total Registration (TR): https://user.totalregistration.net/AP/111000

    • Total Registration is used each year for students to pay for PSAT and AP exams.
    • Students should use the same account and login information they used last year. If students already have a TR account, they should look for “Do you have an existing Total Registration Account? Login here.” link.
    • If a student does not have a TR account, he/she must create an account. The account should use the student’s email address - not a parent’s email address.
    • Log into the Total Registration platform or use the link above to create an account, if this is the first year you are taking AP Exams at DHS.


    • Students taking online AP courses through GAVS, FVA, or Independent Study (DHS Students ONLY)  must link two join codes to their College Board account.
      • The first join code supplied by the online FVA/GAVS instructor is entered in their College Board account to access resources. This first join code does not order the exam.
      • In their Total Registration account, students will register for an "independent study" exam and pay for the AP exam through your base school’s Total Registration website.
        • Students will receive an " Exam Only" second join code on the Total Registration confirmation page under “Account History.”
        • This join code allows you to register for an 'Exam Only' section in the My AP platform, where you will select "yes" if you wish to take the exam.
    • Contact the AP Coordinator at your base school with any exam ordering questions.
    • Virtual students will report to their base school on their exam day(s) for testing.


    Go to STEP 3

    STEP 3. MY AP: https://myap.collegeboard.org/login

    Students MUST keep up with their CB account login information. DHS does not have access to student accounts.

    ● From STEP 2 above, use the “Exam Only” SECOND join code you located in Total Registration to register for your exam(s) at your base school (DHS).

    Under “Order Exam?” select “Yes.” This step ensures your exam is ordered and exam labels are shipped for your exams.

    ● Students MUST indicate in each AP course on the College Board website whether they will take the exam in May or elect not to take the particular exam(s).

    ● Each account is defaulted to “Undecided,” therefore students must select “yes” or “no” for their intent to take the AP exam.


    Contact: TSchneider@forsyth.k12.ga.us