- Denmark High
Registering for an Exam for Online Students
Registration Deadline October 22, 2024
STEP 1. Use Online Instructor Provided Join Code:
• Online instructors will provide students with a join code for access to AP course resources in the My AP Platform.
• Students should use this first join code to join their online class in My AP.
• Once enrolled in the class section, the student should select “No” under the “Order Exam?” if this is an option. In most cases, this has already been selected for you.
o This allows students to use assigned resources and review material for exam preparation
o If left at the default “undecided,” students will be unable to register for the exam with their base school.
Go to STEP 2
STEP 2. Denmark Total Registration (TR): https://user.totalregistration.net/AP/111000
- Total Registration is used each year for students to pay for PSAT and AP exams.
- Students should use the same account and login information they used last year. If students already have a TR account, they should look for “Do you have an existing Total Registration Account? Login here.” link.
- If a student does not have a TR account, he/she must create an account. The account should use the student’s email address - not a parent’s email address.
- Log into the Total Registration platform or use the link above to create an account, if this is the first year you are taking AP Exams at DHS.
- Students taking online AP courses through GAVS, FVA, or Independent Study (DHS Students ONLY) must link two join codes to their College Board account.
- The first join code supplied by the online FVA/GAVS instructor is entered in their College Board account to access resources. This first join code does not order the exam.
- In their Total Registration account, students will register for an "independent study" exam and pay for the AP exam through your base school’s Total Registration website.
- Students will receive an " Exam Only" second join code on the Total Registration confirmation page under “Account History.”
- This join code allows you to register for an 'Exam Only' section in the My AP platform, where you will select "yes" if you wish to take the exam.
- Contact the AP Coordinator at your base school with any exam ordering questions.
- Virtual students will report to their base school on their exam day(s) for testing.
Go to STEP 3
STEP 3. MY AP: https://myap.collegeboard.org/login
Students MUST keep up with their CB account login information. DHS does not have access to student accounts.
● From STEP 2 above, use the “Exam Only” SECOND join code you located in Total Registration to register for your exam(s) at your base school (DHS).
● Under “Order Exam?” select “Yes.” This step ensures your exam is ordered and exam labels are shipped for your exams.
● Students MUST indicate in each AP course on the College Board website whether they will take the exam in May or elect not to take the particular exam(s).
● Each account is defaulted to “Undecided,” therefore students must select “yes” or “no” for their intent to take the AP exam.
Contact: TSchneider@forsyth.k12.ga.us