1.40 - LIMITS OF PARTICIPATION (GHSA Constitution and By-Laws)
1.41 Students must have a certificate of an annual physical examination on file at the school prior to participating in any athletic try-outs, practices or games that indicate the students are physically approved for participation.
(a) Physical examinations will be good for twelve (12) months from the date of the exam. EXCEPTION: Any physical examination taken on or after April 1 in the preceding year will be accepted for the following GHSA school year.
(b) The physical exam must be conducted by a licensed medical physician, doctor of Osteopathic medicine, nurse practitioner or a physician’s assistant.
(c) The exam must be signed by an M.D. or D.O., but the doctor's stamp is acceptable if it is in script, and if information appears elsewhere on the form identifying him/her as a medical doctor.(d) The GHSA requires that member schools use the latest edition of the preparticipation physical evaluation form approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics, et. al., found in the “GHSA Forms Notebook.”
(Including Participation, Cover and Concussion Forms)
Insurance Coverage:
The student must provide insurance coverage information on the physical/parent permission form (GHSA and County approved ONLY). If a family wishes to purchase student accident insurance for their child, a form can be obtained from the Athletic Office. The Forsyth County School District does not pay for medical expenses related to injury during competitions or practices. Personal insurance or purchased school insurance is required. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to obtain the appropriate insurance coverage.
For the online English and Spanish versions from K&K Insurance click here.
Physical Examination and Parent Permission:
The student must have on file, with the home school Athletic Office, the provided GHSA form (NO substitutes will be accepted) signed by his/her parents certifying that the student has permission to participate in the school athletic programs. Also, on this form will be the results of a physical examination conducted by a practicing physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner. One examination per year is required and is conducted at the student’s expense. It is strongly recommended that all athletes obtain physicals during the scheduled time provided through the High Schools or Middle Schools. Forms are available at the Forsyth County Athletic webpage. Students must file with the Athletic Office a parent permission form, proof of insurance, and a physical exam prior to taking part in any school-sponsored practice or clinic/camp. Additional forms may be required. Physicals that expire in the middle of any sport season will be considered expired prior to its beginning.