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Forsyth County Schools’ special education programs are founded upon the belief that all children are capable of learning and being successful in school experiences, which are designed to develop academic, social, emotional, behavioral, and independence skills for active participation in their community.

Exceptional Children's Week:

Forsyth County Schools will be celebrating Exceptional Children's Week March 03-07, 2025.  The theme for this year is "Building Futures".  The Georgia Council for Exceptional Children leads the celebration for the state, and during that week schools, districts and educators across the state will join together to recognize their students with disabilities and their gifts and talents.  More information about Exceptional Children's Week and the annual art and writing contest will be available once published by the Georgia Council for Exceptional Children. 

Child Find:

Child Find is a process that districts use to identify, locate, and evaluate all children in the district, ages from birth through 21, who are suspected of having disabilities that may result in a need for special education and related services. 

Grades K-12:

If you have a child grades K-12 who is home schooled or attends private school and you would like to request an evaluation, please complete the Child Find Request Form.

If you have additional questions, please contact:

Jessica Hall

Compliance Facilitator, Forsyth County Special Education Department


Office: 770-887-2461 ext. 310252


For Preschool evaluation requests, please complete the Sprouts Child Find Assistance (English)  -or-  Sprouts Child Find Assistance (Spanish)

If you have additional questions, please contact: 

Mardy Hendon

Preschool Administrative Assistant, Forsyth County Special Education Department


Office: 770-887-2461 ext. 310100


2024-2025 Parent Surveys:

Each year, the Georgia Department of Education makes available a survey to families of all students with disabilities to measure parent/family needs and perceptions.  This survey helps the state to determine parents' perception of the success of parent engagement between them and the schools.  The data collected from this survey is reported in the Annual Performance Report and on the system profile of each school system.  The survey link is available below along with more information in English and Spanish.  Our mission at Forsyth County Schools would be to receive "Strongly Satisfied" and "Very Strongly Satisfied" scores in this survey.  If that is not your perception, please contact us and let us know how we can remedy this.  The IDEA Parent Survey will be open from January 20 through May 31, 2025.  

Parent Survey Flyer (English + Spanish)

Direct Survey Link




Click here to access the "What is a Facilitated IEP?" form.

Click here to access the Facilitated IEP (FIEP) Team Meeting Request Form.

We would like your feedback!

Click here to share your success story about a special education teacher in Forsyth County who has made a difference in your child's education.