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We are professional and caring employees, providing transportation services that protect students, support quality learning and improve the community.

2024-25 Back to School Letter for Parents & Students

We welcome you to use the information on our website to develop a family school bus transportation plan and partner with FCS Transportation in our mission to transport 100% of our students on the school bus safely 100% of the time.  This plan should include both students & parents/guardians knowing the student's bus number, route number, bus driver, morning bus stop pick up time, assigned bus stop location, the route to & from the assigned bus stop, and FCS expectations for student behavior while entering, exiting, and riding on the school bus.

FCS Transportation will do our best to provide all of our students with the knowledge & skills they will need to S.O.A.R. by being Safe, Orderly, And Respectful on the school bus and at the bus stop. Our FCS bus drivers reinforce and model these expectations regularly on the bus, and use a Three Step Plan To Support Positive Student Behavior based in the FCS Code of Conduct.  This plan includes prevention steps and intervention steps that are used by the bus driver to help all students develop appropriate behaviors and safe habits on the school bus. If necessary, our FCS bus driver may call a parent/guardian to ask for help in changing inappropriate behaviors or unsafe habits that a student may have exhibited while riding the school bus.  The last step of this three step plan includes disciplinary consequences based in the FCS Code of Conduct that may be administered by a student's school administration if that student's behavior fails to meet the safe, orderly and respectful expectations required to keep 100% of our students on the school bus safe 100% of the time.
Nearly two-thirds of Forsyth County Schools’ children start and end every school day on a Forsyth County Schools school bus.  Transporting Forsyth County's children safely on the school bus is an important responsibility, and all of us in FCS Transportation are committed to providing "Safe, Orderly And Respectful" transportation services to our students, and your children, every single day.