


    The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is a state-funded instructional program.  Its purpose is to serve those students who are at risk of not reaching or maintaining academic grade level expectations. This goal is accomplished by identifying those students who need extra support and then providing them with additional instructional resources that enable them to master grade level standards. EIP services are available to eligible students in grades K-5 at all Forsyth County elementary schools.

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    Multi-Tiered System of Supports

    A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a prevention framework that provides support matched to the unique needs of students in order to maximize achievement and reduce behavior. The essential components of this whole-child approach include screening, progress monitoring, multi-level prevention, and data-based decision-making.  When all the essential components are implemented as intended, results include sustained academic improvement, decreased inappropriate special education services, and reduced grade retention.  Federal and state legislation (i.e., ESSA and HB740) emphasize the importance of providing tiered systems for support and the use of evidence-based interventions for all students to meet grade-level standards. 


    Essential Components to Improve Outcomes for Students

    • ALL students are screened to identify those who may be at risk for poor academic or behavioral outcomes.
    • Instruction and intervention is delivered utilizing evidence-based Best Practices and instructional fidelity is high.
    • Progress monitoring provides information that allows teachers to better target student needs and appropriately match instruction, resources, and supports.
    • Teams are focused on prevention to make data-based decisions that ensure all students are continuing to improve.
    • Educators and families must work together to prevent poor outcomes for all students and ensure students have the tools to be successful.
    • Everyone is involved in the process (parents, teachers, administrators, community members etc.).