Local School Council 2024 - 2025
The goal of the Local School Council is to bring our community and school closer together in a spirit of cooperation to solve difficult education problems, improve academic achievement, provide support for teachers and administrators, and bring parents into the school-based decision making process.
Parents, teachers, and community business partners serve on this council, along with the principal. Councils meet at least four times each year.
All meetings begin at 7:45am and are held in the Learning Lounge (rm. 262) at Settles Bridge Elementary. All meetings are open to the public, and minutes from the meetings are accessible to the public.
The meeting dates and members for the 2024 - 2025 school year will be published in the fall.
LSC meeting agendas and minutes are located in eBoard by selecting "meetings" from the channel bar that runs horizontally across the top of the page. From the drop down menu, select the name of the LSC you are seeking.
LSC meeting minutes are also included in monthly BOE meeting agendas and annual LSC recommendations are presented to the BOE each spring. Both the minutes and recommendations can be viewed at eBoard. To view the minutes, select "meetings" from the channel bar and then select a BOE regular meeting date. When the agenda appears, scroll to the bottom of it and select "Local School Council Minutes".