- Vickery Creek Elementary
- Overview
Vickery Creek Elementary School
Local School Council: 2024-2025 InformationMeeting DatesJoint LSC – Thursday, September 19th – 8:00 am at West
Joint LSC – Thursday, May 7th – 8:00 am at Hendricks
Thursday, August 22nd, 8:00 am at VCE
Thursday, October 24th, 8:00 am at VCE
Thursday, November 21st, 8:00 am at VCE
Thursday, February 20th, 8:00 am at VCE
Thursday, March 20th, 8:00 am at VCE
MembersChairperson: Nicki Greenhalgh
Vice Chairperson: Christine Joshi
Amanda Irving
Emily Fill
Ann Patton
Renee Crouse
Elizabeth Ihle
Mary Shaw
Celeste Grissom
Nicki Greenhalgh
Katherine Cranford
Katie Arnold
Forsyth County LSC InformationForsyth County Schools has a strong tradition of local school governance involving staff, parents and community partners. Originally called Local School Advisory Councils (LSACs), FCS converted to Local School Councils (LSCs) in 2000 under Georgia's A+ Education Reform Act.FCS has active LSCS in all schools, with the exception of those schools that have been open for less than a year. Councils are comprised of a minimum of seven council members, including the principal, at least two certified teachers elected by teachers, parents (who make up the majority of the council, with at least 2 being businesspersons) and other members as specified in the bylaws.LSCs are advisory bodies that provide recommendations to the school principal and the FC Board of Education. Councils meet at least four times a year annually. All meetings and corresponding minutes are open to the public.LSC meeting agendas and minutes are located in eBoard by selecting "meetings" from the channel bar that runs horizontally across the top of the page. From the drop down menu, select the name of the LSC you are seeking.
LSC meeting minutes are also included in monthly BOE meeting agendas and annual LSC recommendations are presented to the BOE each spring. Both the minutes and recommendations can be viewed at eBoard. To view the minutes, select "meetings" from the channel bar and then select a BOE regular meeting date. When the agenda appears, scroll to the bottom of it and select "Local School Council Minutes".
Last Modified on August 28, 2024