- Chattahoochee Elementary
- School Information
Policies & Regulations
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Chattahoochee ChampionsSchool Policies & ProceduresOur Student Handbook can be found by clicking on the following link: Student HandbookSchool Hours & Student Drop Off
School hours are 7:10 - 2:20 PM. Students should not be dropped off at Chattahoochee before 7:10 AM unless they are going to chorus or another approved school-related program. Chattahoochee's school start time is 7:40 AM. After 7:40 AM, students are tardy and an adult must sign them in at the front desk.
On Early Release days, students will be dismissed at 11:50.
- Notifying the School of Absences
Parent/guardian must contact the child's homeroom teacher and submit a Digital Absence Form, linked here. - Excusing Absences
Submit a written note, email, fax, or Digital Absence Form within 5 school days of the absence. Messages sent in Class Dojo can not
be accepted as an excuse note. - Early Check-Out
For an early check-out to be excused, an excuse note must be received within 5 school days of the check-out. To be counted present for the entire day, students must remain at school until 11:00. No check-outs after 2:00 PM. - Tracking Attendance Online
Tracking your child’s attendance can be done through Parent Portal. For password information, please come into the school and present identification and we will request an activation email for you. - Complete Attendance Policy
For complete attendance policy information, please click here.
- Bus Route Information: For information about our bus routes, visit the FCSS home page (https://ga01000373.schoolwires.net/) and click on Bus Stops. Click I agree and then Continue.
- Car Rider Information: Each family is pre-assigned a car rider number. Car number tags are available for pick up at the front desk. In order to obtain the tag, you must be the legal guardian or designated person on the check-out card and provide a valid ID at the time of pick up.
- Transportation changes must be received by 7:40am either by emailing your teacher or sending in a hand written note with your student. In an event of an emergency, you must email the following people: student’s teacher, f40069@forsyth.k12.ga.us and tbruce@forsyth.k12.ga.us You should receive a confirmation via email. If you do not receive a confirmation by 2:00 pm, please call the school at (770) 781-2240 ext. 150102/151103. No changes may be left on a voicemail and this procedure will only be accepted for emergencies.
- NOTE: Students may only ride their assigned bus and get off at their assigned bus stop.
Visitors & Volunteers
We love having parents partner with our school! We look forward to welcoming visitors (lunch guests and volunteers) back into our building after Labor Day, beginning Tuesday, September 5, 2023. Make sure you bring your identification!
- Notifying the School of Absences
Last Modified on July 19, 2023