Partners in Education 



    Liberty Middle School has a tradition of excellence in academics, athletics, the arts, and extra-curricular activities. Our families, business partners, and the community at large play a vital role in the success of our students, both in and out of the classroom. As a school we value our relationship with our business partners fully recognizing the generosity given to the students, staff, programs, and activities through financial support, services, time, and expertise.





    Partner in Education Goals


    • To build relationships with our business partners as we work together for the benefit of the students at Liberty Middle School.

    • To increase student achievement through programs supported by our partners.

    • To work collaboratively to provide recognition programs that will highlight outstanding teachers, students, and parents.



    You can also find more information from our PIE information letter found below.






    The PTSA is a nonprofit organization and has a sales tax exemption number that can be used to defer taxes.  If you can assist in any of these areas, please let the PTSA hear from you by calling the school at 770-781-4889.

Last Modified on May 28, 2024