• OMS English/Language Arts
    Reading opens windows to the world."Just every day of your life READ intensely. Most of my friends who are put on that diet have very pleasant careers." Ray Bradbury
            It is our passion and our goal to enrich your child's education in relationship to READING, WRITING, LISTENING, SPEAKING and VIEWING
           We teach from the Georgia Performance Standards and have a plethora of resources from which to extract creative and engaging lessons.  Don't be perplexed if your student does not bring home a language arts textbook each night.  Our teachers have access to several textbooks from each grade level in addition to other excellent and proven programs. 
            You can keep up with your child's progress in ELA (English-Language Arts) in several ways.  Team newsletters are sent home weekly, assignments are posted on teachers' ItsLearning pages, and students are expected to keep assignments written in their agendas daily. 

    Did you know that one of the state standards for Reading Across the Curriculum is that each child will read twenty-five grade level appropriate (or higher) books during the school year?  The ELA percentage of this standard is 400 pages every 9 weeks.  Your child should be reading every night, so they are making progress toward this goal.