

     OMS Athletic Crest

    Welcome to the Otwell Athletics!
    We appreciate your support of the Otwell Middle School Athletics Department. Please click on the links to the left to find information on the individual sports offered at Otwell.
    Athletic Director 
    Brian Sudderth
     Office Number: 770-887-5248 EXT. 790556
    Assistant Athletic Director
    Taylor Bush
    Office Number: 770-887-5248 EXT. 790581
    System Sports Equity Coordinator
    Nathan Turner
    Office Number: 770-887-2461
     The following interscholastic team sports are currently offered for seventh and eighth graders:
    • Football (Fall)
    • Football Cheerleading (Fall)
    • Girl's and Boy's 7th & 8th grade Basketball (Winter)
    • Basketball Cheerleading (Winter)
    • Track (Spring)
    • Golf (Spring)

    The following intramural team sports are currently offered for sixth, seventh and eighth graders:

    • Cross Country (Fall)
    • Soccer (Spring)

    Keep up with news from around the county for every sport!
    Forsyth County Middle School Athletics Website

    Athletic Eligibility

    Students who want to try out for Otwell Middle School Athletics must satisfy the following requirements before they can tryout.

    1. Students must pass 5 of 7 or 6 of 8 classes to be eligible to tryout for any sport per last semester.

    2. Students must have an updated insurance and physical form completed to be eligible to tryout for any sport.These forms are only valid for one year from the date of the physical.

    County Rules and Guidelines: These are the specific rules, guidelines, and requirements of all sports, coaches, and players for Forsyth County Athletics.


    Student Behavior at Athletic Events

    Students who attend athletic events will be accountable to OMS school rules. Students should not leave campus for any reason during an event unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.

    Want to see pictures of your athlete in action?