• SFMS Local School Council


    The purpose of the Local School Council is to foster and facilitate a relationship between South Forsyth Middle School and the surrounding community.  The council brings together members of business, community representatives and school leaders who strive to solve difficult education problems, improve academic achievement, provide support for teachers and administrators, and bring parents into the school-based decision making process.

    Members of the Local School Council serve two-year terms. The members include parents, teachers, business partners, as well as the school principal.

    We would like to thank these members for their hard work and dedication to making South Forsyth Middle School a better place for the students in our community.

    Local School Council Members 2023-2024

    Howard Chalmers

     Lindsey O'Connor 

    Kristin Radtke

    Beth Jesionowski

    Pam Evens

    Krista Sims

    Patti Wallace 

    Stephanie Chanoski(SFM Staff) 

    Erin Knight(SFM Staff) 


    Liz Tuck - Principal 




    The roles and responsibilities of School Council members are several.  All members of the School Council must:

    • Maintain a school-wide perspective on issues
    • Regularly participate in council meetings ( a minimum of 4 per year are required for each council)
    • Participate in information and training programs
    • Act as a link between the school council and the community
    • Encourage the participation of parents and others within the school community, and
    • Work to improve student achievement and performance.

    Meeting Dates:

    All meetings will take place in the front office conference room.  Times and dates TBA.


      For the County Educational Leadership Page:  https://ga01000373.schoolwires.net/page/326
    LSC meeting agendas and minutes are located in eBoard by selecting "meetings" from the channel bar that runs horizontally across the top of the page. From the drop down menu, select the name of the LSC you are seeking.



Last Modified on August 20, 2024