• Vickery Creek Middle School Clinic

    Krista Jackson RN, BSN, CPN

    Phone: 770-667-2580 ext. 230107

    Email: kjackson@forsyth.k12.ga.us

    Clinic Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm



    Important General Info

    The school nurse needs to be informed of any medical condition that could affect your child while at school. Please have your student's doctor complete the appropriate Health Action Plan for chronic health conditions and return it to the clinic as soon as possible. All medication for students must be brought in by a parent or guardian in its original container along with a completed Request for Administration of Medication form. The forms can be downloaded from the "Health Forms" link to the left of this page, and doctors may fax forms to us at 770-667-2593.


    Students must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications before returning to school.  Students must also be vomiting and diarrhea free for 24 hours before returning to school. 


    Food Allergy Info

    An ingredient label notebook is located in the School Nutrition Dept. Office at the Board of Education Building located at 1140 Dahlonega Highway. Parents are encouraged to schedule a time to come in and look through the notebook to assist their student with making safe selections from the menu.  Please call 770-887-2461 for more information.


    Services Provided by School Nurses

    The school nurse 

    • provides direct health care to students and staff,
    • provides leadership for the provision of health services,
    • provides screening and referral for health conditions,
    • promotes a healthy school environment,
    • promotes health,
    • serves in a leadership role for health policies and programs, and
    • serves as a liaison between school personnel, family, community, and health care providers. 


    ***The Health Services program for Forsyth County Schools advances the well-being, academic success, and life-long achievement of students. To that end, school nurses facilitate positive student responses to normal development; promote health and safety; intervene with actual and potential health problems; provide case management services; and actively collaborate with others to build student and family capacity for adaptation, self management, self advocacy, and learning.***