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School Nurse
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Our school nurse is Krystina Malmberg RN
You can contact her at Kmalmberg@forsyth.k12.ga.usKrystina obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington in 2009. Her primary nursing experience has been in acute inpatient pediatrics, but also has some experience in adult inpatient cardiology and case management. She is excited to be joining the Johns Creek Elementary Jaguar family this year as the school nurse!
678-965-5041 ext. 361011
CLINIC Information
The goal of the Johns Creek Elementary clinic is to enhance the academic success and well being of each student through the joint efforts of home, school, and community.
The clinic is open for students from 7:30am-3:30 pm on school days. The nurse contributes to the education of the child with special health needs by assessing the child, planning & providing appropriate nursing care, and evaluating the identified outcomes of care. The nurse also monitors medical treatments and/or medications given to the student while attending school.
Important Clinic Information
Students are able to access the clinic during their school day by requesting a clinic form from their teacher if they are ill or injured. If your child was seen during their school day, a copy of the clinic referral slip will be in their bookbag giving details of their visit.
If their temperature is 100.4 or higher
If they are actively vomiting
If they have diarrhea
If they need to be seen by a physician
I Have Listed Some Information Below That Should Help Answer Questions You May Have Regarding My Role And The Operation Of The Clinic-
Epi-pens, Albuterol, Benedryl, Tylenol, or Cough Drops cannot be supplied by the school. Medications of any type, even over the counter medications, should never be delivered by the child. We ask the parent to please bring medications to the clinic and fill out a Medication Administration form prior to the nurse administering.
A Request for Administration of Medication Form must be completed by parent/ guardian for each medication.
A Doctor's signature on all Care Plans and medication forms for prescription medications that will be given for longer than a two week period is required.
Food allergies of any kind are not recognized by our cafeteria staff unless we have a Food Allergy Action Plan signed by a doctor. These forms may be found on the Forsyth County Schools website or you may pick up forms from the nurse.
Please keep our staff and the school nurse informed of any health conditions that could affect your child while at school.
Children do have accidents at school: please be sure to send a change of clothing in their backpack to keep at school. This is for every grade, even older students have accidents/spills.
Children may not return to school until no fever of 100 degrees or greater for 24 hours without fever reducing medicine.
Diarrhea and/or vomiting must have stopped for a full 24 hours without the aid of medication before returning to school..
If your child has seen a physician and he has ordered antibiotics, please keep child home for 24 hours after the antibiotics have been started.
- Clinic Wish list
Snacks without peanuts or peanut butter
Kids disposable masks
Zip lock bags
Clothes for clinic
Soft peppermint candy
Baby wipes