    • Department of Exceptional Students

      Forsyth County School System special education programs are founded upon the belief that all children are capable of learning and being successful in-school experiences which are designed to develop academic, social, emotional, behavioral, and independent skills for active participation in their community. The district offers a variety of services and resources for parents.  Click HERE  for the district web page.

      Tips for Parents

      Parent Portal on Infinite Campus is a web-based application and allows you access to pertinent information about your child’s performance, attendance, health records. Information is available at Parent Portal Instructions.

      Canvas is our Learning Management System and our teachers post copies of assignments, calendars and other info that will help you help your child keep organized.  Find information about Canvas at Canvas FAQs for Parents.

      Conferences can be scheduled through your child’s case manager.

      Parent Workshops are offered through the county office.  

      Parent Resource Links
      Eligibility Requirements

      To receive Special Education services, students must meet Georgia eligibility requirements. Once a student is determined to be eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), an IEP or Individualized Education Plan is written and services begin.

      Out of County: 

      Parents or guardians should contact the DeSana Middle School Special Education Department Chair or the Forsyth County Special Education Department. Transfer students will need to provide a current IEP or sign a release of records so that current student information may be obtained. All records will be reviewed by Forsyth County personnel and an IEP committee to determine appropriate services.

       In County: 

      IEP’s from within the county transfer automatically to PGMS.

      Service Models

      General Education: Students with disabilities are served in the general education classroom with no special education personnel support.

      Consultation: Students with disabilities receive one hour / month of service.

      Supportive: Students with disabilities receive service from paraprofessionals in a general education class.

      Co-taught: Students with disabilities receive service from certified teachers in a general education class.

      Special Education Class: Students with disabilities meet in a small group with a special education teacher. Support is offered in 6th - 8th grade Math and Language Arts. There is also a Skills Based Autism (SBA) class at PGMS.