• Stephanie Jackson
    Piney Grove Athletic Director
    Nathan L. Turner C.A.A.
    Forsyth County Schools Athletics and Activities Coordinator
    770-888-3466 x4


    Physical Examination and Parent Permission:

     The student MUST have on file, with the Piney Grove Middle School, the provided GHSA form (NO substitutes will be accepted) signed by his/her parents certifying that the student has permission to participate in the athletic programs at PGMS. Also, on this form will be the results of a physical examination conducted by a practicing physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner. One examination per year is required and is conducted at the student’s expense. Forms are available on the link below, at PGMS front office, or at the Forsyth County Athletic webpage.  Students must file with the PGMS Athletic Office a parent permission form, proof of insurance, and a physical exam prior to taking part in any school-sponsored practice or clinic/camp. Additional forms may be required.  Physicals that expire in the middle of any sport season will be considered expired prior to its beginning. 

    Before participating in tryouts for all sports, the FCS Complete Physical Packet must be completed, turned in, and cleared in Dragonfly (link below).

    Dragonfly Link

    FCS Complete Physical Packet

    Insurance Coverage:

    The student must provide insurance coverage information on the physical/parent permission form (GHSA and County approved ONLY). If a family wishes to purchase student accident insurance for their child, a form can be obtained from the PGMS Athletic Office, or the links below. The Forsyth County School District does not pay for medical expenses related to injury during competitions or practices. Personal insurance or purchased school insurance is required.  It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to obtain the appropriate insurance coverage.

    English Version
    Spanish Version

    Academic Requirements:

    Academic Requirements include passing five classes in a six or seven course semester. For Connections classes, the two classes taken in a nine week period will be averaged together to come up with one grade; therefore, the four classes taken over the two nine weeks of the semester will yield two semester grades. A person can not fail more than two classes per semester (7 periods).

    Ticket Information:

    Tickets for home athletic events can be purchased on the GoFan website at this link, https://gofan.co/app/school/GA13653. Tickets are $5 for adults and students.

    ** When purchasing tickets on GoFan, please be sure to confirm that the tickets are being purchased for the CORRECT LOCATION. Each game will have two locations, one at Piney Grove as well as one at the opponent's location. Make sure you purchase tickets for the location and game you are wanting to attend**