
    educate - engage - empower Grizzly Great Day of Giving Educate - Engage - Empower




    Our Grizzly Great Day of Giving (G3 Day) has very much become a part of who we are at Piney Grove. This great day of community service provides the opportunity for all of our young Grizzlies, staff members, and parent and community volunteers to come together…work side-by-side for a common and greater good…to make a marked difference in our wonderful community and in the lives of many individuals. This year's G3 celebration will be held on March 21, 2025.


    Spread the Word! 


    You can reserve your student G3 Pack with $20 on School Pay until Friday, January 31, 2024.  The G3 pack contribution is a CRITICAL part of funding our G3 service project materials, lunch, music out on the lawn, and an annual commemorative t-shirt. The homeroom class per grade with the most G3 pack participation will win various incentives in March! If your child will be absent due to travel, family choice not to participate, or is checked out of school, we will accept your payment as a donation for a student in need.


    Innagural Year

    G3 2023 Recap