- Piney Grove Middle
- Overview
Piney Grove Middle School’s Local School Council
Georgia’s A+ Education Reform Act of 2000 requires that school councils be established at every public school. School councils are policy-level advisory bodies to the Principal, Superintendent, and local board of education. They may advise and make recommendations on any matter related to school improvement and student achievement. The purpose of school councils is to “bring communities” and school closer together in a spirit of cooperation to solve difficult education problems, improve academic achievement, provide support for teachers and administrators, and bring parents into the school-based decision-making process.”
Who serves on a School Council? The 2007 General Assembly made changes to the school council law that requires parents to be the majority members. At Piney Grove for the 2023-2024 school year, our Local School Council will be composed of twelve (12) members:
The Principal
Three (3) certificated teachers elected by the teachers
Six (6) parents (or guardians) elected by the parents; one of the parents must be businesspersons
Two (2) Businesspersons
The Piney Grove PTSA President or her designee
The roles and responsibilities of School Council members are several. All members of the School Council must:
Maintain a school-wide perspective on issues
Regularly participate in council meetings ( a minimum of 4 per year are required for each council)
Participate in information and training programs
Act as a link between the school council and the community
Encourage the participation of parents and others within the school community, and
Work to improve student achievement and performance.
More Information About Local School Councils.