- Lambert High
- Mathematics Dept
Department Chairs:Department Overview:The Mathematics Department at Lambert High School is committed to helping our students develop a passion for mathematics. We strive for excellence in the classroom through cooperative and collaborative learning efforts between students and teachers. Our goals include helping our students develop critical thinking skills required for success in mathematics, as well as helping them apply mathematics concepts to real-world problems. We foster a learning environment that is both nurturing and challenging. We are proud of the amazing mathematicians who graduate from Lambert High.
Department Members:TeacherCourses Taught
Ext. AP Statistics & AP Calculus AB
413009 Algebra & Honors Advanced Algebra
411216 Ms. Taylor Bond AP Calculus AB & AP Calculus BC
413010 Ms. Jolie Creuser Geometry
412213 Mr. Troy Doyle Algebra & Advanced Algebra
412808 Ms. Corinna Echeverria Advanced Algebra & Calculus
412807 Ms. Amy Fleming Precalculus
412813 Mr. Peter Frazier Geometry & Geometry Support
412217 Mr. Ed Gray AP Statistics
412811 Ms. Victoria Hedden Precalculus & Statistical Reasoning
412836 Ms. Tara Hughey Accelerated Advanced Algebra
& Precalculus
412804 Ms. Lisa Kuroski AP Precalculus
412814 Mr. Greg Lewallen Honors Geometry
411220 Ms. Jade Lolakis Algebra & Algebra Support
411217 Ms. Erin Medved Advanced Algebra & Advanced Algebra Support & College Readiness Math
412810 Ms. Emily McMullan Geometry & Geometry Support
411213 Ms. Devon Muller Accelerated Advanced Algebra
& Calculus
412805 Ms. Meredith Peele Advanced Algebra & Statistical Reasoning
412832 Ms. Kim Raines AP Precalculus
412213 Ms. Savanna Reynolds Algebra & Honors Geometry
412220 Mr. Benjamin Roper Geometry & Advanced Mathematical Decision Making
412216 Mr. John Spaide Advanced Algebra & Advanced Mathematical Decision Making
413012 Ms. Geri Underwood Precalculus & AP Precalculus
412818 Ms. Charlotte Weng Accelerated Advanced Algebra
& Geometry
411212 Dr. Roopa Yadavalli AP Calculus AB & AP Calculus BC Accel