

    The Lambert PTSO Board (formerly named Academic Booster Club) and Mrs. Thrower would like to announce the 2023-2024 PTSO Board:

    President, Kathleen Hernandez

    Treasurer, Summer Adams, lhsabctreasurer@gmail.com 

    VP, Student/Staff Relations, TBD

    VP Membership, TBD

    VP Marketing, Michelle Cleary

    Secretary, TBD

    The Lambert PTSO can be reached at lamberthsabc@gmail.com.

    Connect with us on social media!

    Facebook: Lambert High School PTSO

    Instagram: LambertHighSchoolPTSO

    JOIN the PTSO!

    Please consider joining the Lambert PTSO. The PTSO supports our school through the following goals:

    • Enhance and support the academic curriculum
    • Recognize the achievements of students and staff
    • Provide a venue for parent education and volunteers

    • Student participation and spirit

    • Develop and foster strong family connections to LHS

    • G.O.A.L.S (Getting Obvious About Learning Support)


    Click HERE to access the Membership Form. Click HERE to access the Tax Donation Receipt. 


Last Modified on September 13, 2024