• The E.I.P. Program is designed to serve students who are at risk of not reaching or maintaining their academic grade level.  It is a state funded program that serves students in reading and math from Kindergarten to Fifth grade. 

    Purposes of the Early Intervention Program:


    • Provide additional instructional resources
    • Obtain the necessary academic skills
    • Reach grade level performance in the shortest time possible


     Students are identified for the E.I.P. program based on need.  Many different criteria are considered for eligibility in the EIP program.

     Delivery models available for the Early Intervention Program:


    • Augmented – E.I.P. Teacher supports students in their classroom
    • Pullout – students are instructed in the E.I.P. classroom


     Silver City Elementary School E.I.P. Teachers:

    • Julie Guy
    • Lindsay Brison
    • Susan Mitchell
    • Julie Vaughan