
    Kelly Mill Elementary After School Program

    Looking for after-school care for your child?  Well, look no further...KME has an awesome after-school program!  No need to worry about transportation to another facility; your child can stay right here at KME!

    Our after-school program is available 5 days a week for students in grades K-5 who attend Kelly Mill Elementary.  Students remain here on campus and are divided by grade level.  Our KME after-school staff provides quality care in a nurturing environment where your child will have the opportunity to participate in:

    • Enriching and fun activities
    • P.E. classes
    • Homework help
    • STEM activities
    • Snack provided every day

    Monday through Friday from dismissal until 6:00 pm.

    Contacts for more information:

    Elizabeth Griffin - Director (elgriffin2@forsyth.k12.ga.us)

    Dawn Brown – Billing Director (dbrown@forsyth.k12.ga.us)

    1. Printable Brochure
    2. Online Registration Form
    3. Parent Agreement Form
    4. Online Registration Fee Link
      1. *How to enroll in SchoolPay document (Must have a student number to enroll. These are found in Parent Portal or can be obtained by visiting the school.  We can't provide them over the phone or email.)