• English to Speakers of Other Languages

    The Forsyth County English to Speakers of Other Languages Program (ESOL) is designed to help students attain their full academic and social potential within the culture of an American school. The ESOL program provides instruction to develop students' proficiency in English in the four areas of language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. In addition, the ESOL program seeks to create supportive learning environments in your child's classroom(s) and school which value and build on students' academic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds.

    The Georgia Department of Education provides the following guidelines for identifying students who may be identified as an English Language Learner (ELL):

    • Students whose native/home/first language is other than English

    • Students who have difficulty listening, speaking, reading, writing or understanding the English language to the extent that their language skills are a barrier to their success in a regular classroom

    ESOL Program Goals:

    • The ESOL teachers work in collaboration with classroom and other special programs teachers to support the acquisition of language and content skills.

    • The ESOL program promotes each student's appreciation of their ability to perform a wide variety of intellectual and physical activities.

    • The ESOL program encourages the student's positive recognition of a variety of cultures, recognizing similarities and differences.

    Parent Resources: