• Welcome to the Denmark High School Clinic Page!

  • Kim Varner, RN
    470-533-2521 Ext. 511481

    Mandi Charles, RN
    470-533-2521 Ext. 511267


    Clinic Hours 7:30-4:00 on operating school days  



    1. The clinic does not stock medications. Over the counter medications MUST be brought to the clinic by the parent. A Request for Administration of Medication form must be completed and signed.
    2. Daily medication that will need to be administered during school hours for a period of longer than 2 weeks MUST have a physician signature on the Request for Administration of Medication form. All medication MUST be brought to the clinic by the parent.
    3. Students CANNOT have medications with them on school grounds (unless authorized to carry). This includes cough drops, sunscreen, etc.
    4. Medications:
      *Must be in original container with student name
      *Cannot be expired
      *A Request for Administration of Medication form or Authorization to Carry (for EpiPen and inhaler only) must be completed and signed by the parent and physician.
      *For seizure, allergy, Asthma, and Diabetic medications, additional forms (care plans) are required and must be completed and signed by the physician and parent.
    5. All medication forms and care plans must be dated after June 1st of the current Year.
    6. Medications MUST be picked up in the clinic by the parent.

    Clinic supplies are ALWAYS GREATLY APPRECIATED! Please consider donating:
    Bandaids: all sizes
    Ziplock baggies: sandwich and gallon
    Ginger-ale/individualized snack packs (store bought only please)
