FoCAL Center Programmatic Vision
Provide high-quality performance and presentation space for student groups and the community; host:
- Staged performances by FCS students (individual schools, classrooms, and vertical teams)
- Multi-county/district competitions, conferences, and similar events currently held in other locations in/outside the county
- Student-community collaborative theatre productions; community-based arts groups’ presentations and performances
- Large district events, Alliance Academy for Innovation graduation, and similar events.
Support K-12 students’ endeavors in and exposure to performance arts, with priority for use by those in elementary and middle school, including opportunities for:
- In-District field trips
- Summer camps in music and theatre arts
- Quality recording of performances for students’ collegiate auditions and similar
- Work-based learning opportunities for students in theatre management, arts promotion, catering, and hospitality, etc.
Provide space for hosting visual art shows presented by individual schools, vertical teams, and community-based arts groups.
Host cultural, arts and educational events and groups, including professional performing groups.
Provide space for FCS professional development, meetings and presentations; and rented space for local business, government, and nonprofit meetings and presentations.
Support local businesses by keeping residents in-county/district for school, community, and other hosted events.