• Welcome to the Language Arts Department at South Middle!

    The Forsyth County School's Learner Profile seeks to create a clear path to success for all students. We strive to support this vision through our English/Language Arts Curriculum. Through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language instruction, we encourage our students to seek knowledge and understanding and to pursue continuous learning.  Our instruction is designed to help students learn to read independently and think critically as they reflect on and adapt to an ever-changing world.  We also want to prepare our students for the future by teaching them the communication skills necessary to engage and compete in a global environment. 

    All grade levels use the writing process as the foundation for the teaching of writing, as well as for integration of vocabulary and grammar concepts. The different types of writing (informative/explanatory, narrative, argumentative) are emphasized through a myriad of assignments.  The emphasis in writing is to provide evidence from a reading passage to support analysis, reflection, and research.  All ELA classes utilize the DBQ (Data Based Questioning) writing process to instruct students how to analyze and reflect on either a non-fiction or fiction piece. As a result, students read a variety of literature, including short stories, poems, novels, dramas, and essays. Our use of technology helps implement and enhance the language arts curriculum.