Financial Transparency
For local revenue, FCS is one of only a few school districts in Georgia to have a senior exemption at the age of 65, which is an annual loss of an estimated $60 million for 23-24. Lastly, in terms of state revenue sources, FCS' Local Fair Share contribution has increased to be $81,283,947 for FY24 (was $73.6 million in 2022-23).
As the 5th largest out of 180 school districts in Georgia, for 2023-24 FCS operates on a $652 million budget, with 73% of expenses tied to instruction. The budget income is 52% from local funds and 48% from state and federal funds. The FY24 budget was built decreasing the millage rate 2 full mills. Last year, FCS decreased the millage 1 full mill. FCS’ per-pupil expenditure is $10,132, which is the lowest among the 12 largest districts in the State.
- 2000-2024 Millage Rate
- 12 Largest Districts Ranked by Costs
- 2007-24 FCS Salary Data
- FY 24 Budget (included millage and per pupil comparisons)
- FY 25 Initial Budget Presentation
- FY 25 BOE Tentative Budget
- QBE Comparisons
- GADOE Financial Data Reporting
Federal Funding
- ACT I was used to pay the salaries and benefits for school bus drivers that were not working for the last three months of school when COVID -19 shut the state down ($1.7+ million).
- ACT II was used to offset the austerity cuts from the state ($5.7+ million).
- ACT III was used to match the state $1k supplement for employees ($6.5+ million). We used $4+ million for ERU (energy recovery units) at two elementary schools that did not have those units. The remaining $3+ million was used for summer instruction for students.
- 2023-24 Operational Impact Report (Updated October 16)
- 2023 Annual Finance Report
- Audit Reports
- Monthly Financial Reports
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3. On the agenda, select Finance Report.