• Sponsor: Melody McWhorter

    What is Y-CLub: Y-Club is a student led Christian, service, and civic organization that excels in serving the school and community. In need of DECA or NHS service hours? We do one school and one community service each month as well as go to fun and educational conferences throughout the year. Be sure to read the information about YA (Youth Assembly).

     Y-Club's mission:  Y-Club's mission is to provide programs and opportunities for teens which will promote self-esteem, leadership skills and moral and civic responsibility. There are more than 100 Hi-Y, Tri-Hi-Y, Co-ed "Y" Clubs in 84 Georgia counties. The "Y" Club program provides thousands of middle and high school students with a school-based structured environment to develop leadership skills, understand the importance of civic responsibility, and enhance community through monthly school and community service projects.

     Y-Club's Purpose: "To create, maintain and extend, throughout the home, school, and community, high standards of Christian character."

    All about YA: Youth Assembly is a three-day, all student led learning opportunity that brings the workings of the Georgia state government alive to students in grades 9 - 12. Students are given an opportunity to discuss current state issues with state administrators, elected officials, and students from high schools throughout the state.

    Each conference is led by teens elected to office by their fellow delegates. Held annually at the State Capitol in Atlanta, volunteers from various state departments act as resources for the students while they debate the issues. These volunteers, along with State YMCA staff, help guide the students through mock committee meetings and procedures. Students debate and vote on the bills that their fellow delegates have written and presented. Bills that pass in committee are then taken to the floor of the House or Senate for full debate and vote.

    Students hold the offices of Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the House. Participants also engage in campaigns and elections for officers who will serve during the following year.

    Below is a listing of programs provided at Youth Assembly. Go to www.ymcaga.org for more information.

    YA this year is November 13-15 and costs $299. See Mrs. McWhorter in room 1325 for more info.