• Teaching and Learning Department

    Health and Physical Education


     Health and Physical Education Specialist
    Kayla Duncan
    770-887-2461 ext. 202256



    In Forsyth County, Health and Physical Education courses are offered at all schools in accordance with Georgia Board of Education Rules.  All Health and PE courses follow the Georgia Standards of Excellence.

    Health Education Standards

    Grade K-5

    Grade 6-8

    Grade 9-12


    Georgia Standards of Excellence for Physical Education

    Grade K-5

    Grade 6-8

    Grade 9-12 

    Fitness Assessment: As a component of Physical Education a variety of fitness assessment activities and techniques will be used to measure different areas of health-related fitness.  These may include but are not limited to 1)the PACER run or 1 mile run for cardiovascular fitness;  2) Push-Ups for upper body strength); 3) Curl-Ups for abdominal strength); 4) Back-Saver Sit and Reach for flexibility. Lifelong fitness and wellness may be promoted through exposure to modern technology tools such as fitness trackers and apps.  

    GA DOE Health and Physical Education Resources


    Sex/AIDS education is a required component of the Health curriculum for grades 6-12. FCS uses the Choosing the Best curriculum for sex/AIDS education lessons in grades 6-12. Parents may preview the sex education curriculum materials used by his/her child’s school by clicking the curriculum preview link below. If parents have questions, they may contact the Health/PE Department Leader of their respective school. Parents have the opportunity to opt their student in or out of sex education via a parent permission form which is sent home by the student's health education teacher. Alternative assignments will be given for those students in lieu of the sex/AIDS education lessons. All curricular materials used for sex/AIDS education have been approved by the Forsyth County Board of Education.  

    Middle School and High School Sex Education Curriculum Preview