Club Sponsor:
    Ms. Veronica Gonzalez:   vgonzalez@forsyth.k12.ga.us
    Club Overview: 
    Spanish National Honor Society is an invitation only group.  Students in Level 4 Spanish and above with at least a  3.5 GPA in previous Spanish classes are invited to induction each spring.  The group meets regularly to share interest in the Spanish language and to perform public service.
    Club Meeting Times:
    The following FRIDAYS at 7:45am in room 2914
    Oct. 11
    Nov. 15
    Jan. 17
    Feb. 21
    March 20
    April 17
    Club Activities or Events:
    The Spanish National Honor Society hosts movie nights in Spanish, tertulias, and service activities such as Super Baile. We also host tutoring every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the media center during Lunch and Learn.
    Graduation Cords:
    All active SENIOR members will receive honor cords to be worn at graduation.  In order to remain an active member, students must complete 7 service hours per year, 2 of which must be tutoring.  Seniors who are NOT enrolled in a Spanish class their senior year must complete 10 service hours.
Last Modified on March 14, 2022