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2024-25 Bus Route & Bus Stop information available here!

FCS Parents & Families

2024-25 Bus Route & Bus Stop information is available now on the FCS Bus Stop Locator map that can be accessed from the FCS district Transportation webpage at   

You can find additional school bus transportation information updated for the 2024-25 school on the FCS Transportation webpage, including our 2024-25 Back To School Letter, our 2024-25 Elementary School Afternoon School Bus Drop Off information (student bag tags & student release passes), and our behavior expectations for all students who ride the school bus in Forsyth County Schools.  

When your child’s school activates Infinite Campus for the 2024-25 school year (please contact your child’s school for the specific date & time), you will be able to see updated 2024-25 bus route & bus stop information. If you have an elementary school student, you will also be able to see updated 2024-25 elementary school bus student release pass information in your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. 

If you have any questions, please contact your school’s FCS Transportation District Supervisor using the contact information that can also be found on the FCS Transportation webpage.  

Thank you, and we hope to have a great start of the school year along with you!